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Prints for Children
Prints for Children Details

The company focus on prints for children. Each year produce over 200 titles for the over world publishers. The prints for children include the baby book, the bath book,the eva foam book, bath book & fabric book. 

Following is the size of the prints for children by 150x150mm, 8 pages include cover, materials by peva and sponge prints for children.

In the past year, we have good equipment to prints for children, such as the 7 color UV printing machine, the good quality materials suppliers, and good machine for the hot press assemble.

If you could not the your size book, pls contact us directly by email, thank you very much!

What's the special of the Prints for Children?

There is 2 points very special for the Prints for Children.

One is the inside materials: it is sand inset into the Prints for Children.

One is the packing is thick Clear PE bag with papa bottom.

The sand could insert into the Prints for Children?

Yes. You are right.

What's the purpose inserting the sand into the Prints for Children?

To get the Prints for Children standing up into water.

To work the book as boat float on the water, play with fun.

Here is the specification of Prints for Children,

Size 150 x 150mm
Pages 8 pages
Packing clear bag with header card
Materials EVA outside, inside foam and Sand
MOQ 5,000 copies per title


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