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Childrens Prints
Childrens Prints Details

Congratulation you find the right supplier of chirldrens prints. The company work on the childrens prints over 22 years, accumulate rich experience in the childrens prints. Each year produce 200 titles childrens prints books for the all over the world publishers. Also have the children's book printing book, bath book, the baby book, etc.

Here is the popular standard chilerns prints size is 150x150mm, 8 pages (cover outside, inside is 3 spreads), printing by the standard 4 color childrens prints. MOQ is 3,000 copies for the childrens prints. Price around 0.6 to 1.0 USD basing on the artwork we received.

As long as you did not find the childrens prints in the website, pls contact us by the email

You are the company only working on the Childrens Prints?

Yes. we focus on the Childrens Prints.

What's the MOQ of the Childrens Prints?

Usually 3,000 piece per title Childrens Prints.

As you know there usually many title of the Childrens Prints, how to calculate the quantity?

By per title, MOQ request 3,000 piece.

There is 3,000 * 4 title = 12,000 piece, which could count down the per unit cost.

This Childrens Prints has very good story in the Noach.

Perfect wonderful work in the printing and illustration.

At that time the bath book printing by the silk printing.

Present the Childrens Prints all by the offer set printing.

The color could more and more vivid to the practices world.

Size 150 x 150mm
pages 8 pages
Printing full color processes
MOQ 3,000 pieces
Materials 100% PEVA, inside is foam


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